Celebrating the Best
This morning (19th March 2021) our Principal, Kevin Walters, will be introducing the WAP (Walters Architect Prize) to BA 3 Architecture students at Leeds Beckett University for 2021.
Following the introduction of this year’s award, we will be attending a series of student Crits to understand what they have been doing the last few months.

The WAP was launched last year and was originally intended for the best sketch by a student at Leeds Becket University. It has been slightly amended to include the best concept image as agreed by the staff at Walters Architects.

Sketching has become a lost art but should never be underestimated as a design tool. It is so important to be able to express ideas quickly in an architectural context with both clients and colleagues alike.
We just hope small gestures like our award encourage students to continue in the tradition of sketching and free-thinking.

Yesterday’s Crits… (added 20.03.21)
Continuing on from yesterday’s post we thought it might be a good idea to say how it all went.
Claire Hannibal, the head of BA 3 at Leeds Becketts University, did a great job of introducing Walters Architect, the WAP (Walters Architects Prize) and, more specifically, Kevin Walters. Claire effortlessly put everyone at ease whilst pushing on in a timely manner so as to allow all the students sufficient time to present their individual projects.
Kevin gave a little more information on the WAP and was then introduced to last year’s winner Haager Yousif (hy.studio on Instagram – check her out, she’s great). Due to last year’s Lockdown restrictions, this was the first time They’d met.

Haagar said she was delighted with the accolade and explained how being the recipient of a student award in the final year of her degree assisted her recent placement interview. The award made her stand out from her competition and she secured the position.
Following the introductions, The students went straight into the Crits. Spending the next couple of hours presenting projects based in Greenwich which varied from a student accommodation/allotment scheme, a boathouse and water sports centre and a prototype for a building on Mars. All really interesting ideas.
After presenting their work, two tutors and Kevin were invited to make comments on the design and concept of the schemes. The students seemed very receptive and grateful for the support.
The standard of work was really high and the guys had produced lots of detailed and creative work.

Kevin really enjoyed the whole experience and can’t wait to see the end of year show and award the prize to another deserving talented student of Leeds Beckett University.